vendredi 14 janvier 2011


Fond Cheval Assembly, an interdenominational church came forth under the ministry of Bro.Guy Lamothe, Jardine,( the biggest Message church in Port-au-Prince  )  is using by the almighty God to draw out many souls to Message of Malachi 4:5&6 from this dark world where most people are looking for  earthly interest  to satisfy their hunger  and thirst. Before the earthquake we have been able to count 300 members and after the quake about 6 to 10 people got baptized every Sunday morning .The Lord is fulfilling his Word of promises.  
Acts 2: 47
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
Since we have to meet out of the open after the quake has almost reduced rubble our church building which was an old architecture. We have taken the debris out and continue worshiping the Lord in the same place, now we felt compelled to begin the construction of a new building. With the very little contribution of the saints we start laying a foundation around the old one. It’s not our work it The Lord’s work we know He will provide, meanwhile we need prayers and contribution of the entire Bride.
            Preparing for a basement
Fond Assembly is an actually an annex of Jardine Assembly as you may know brothers and sisters are from all over following at Jardine every Sunday, sometimes because of the country’s politics upheaval the saints  would just come to Fond Cheval since we are provincial Message church.
The earthquake have not made to much damages in Fond Cheval however many some family have lost their houses they still have to be under tents.
We have put many efforts to get to where we are, now we have come to a point where would solicit your prayers and your help to build this church.
Phone; (509)3838 2416 / 3704 4854

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